Checklist to Support CHWs Roles in Vaccine Distribution
Document created by NACHW for administrators, managers, and clinicians outlining ways integrate CHWs in vaccine outreach, acceptance, and distribution strategies.
Tags: PDF, COVID-19, vaccine
QPR Online Gatekeeper Course
QPR Institute course covering how how to Question, Persuade and Refer someone who may be suicidal, learn more about preventing suicide, common causes of suicidal behavior, warning signs of suicide, and how to get help for yourself or someone in crisis.
Tags: specialized training, chronic health conditions, mental health
Hope + Healing Podcast
A series to inform Tribal citizens and leaders on healthcare options that offer better care to Indian Country. Topics include Medicare, Medicaid, the Health Insurance Marketplace, and more.
Tags: podcast, CHR, Medicaid, population specific, Tribal
Community Health Workers Tools & Resources
CHWs in Region V have specific challenges and support needs compared to other public health and clinical workers. This growing toolkit from the Region V Public Health Training Center provides training, community, and other support resources.
Tags: webpage, program implementation, CHW roles and responsibilities
Opportunities to Enhance Health Equity by Integrating CHWs into Payment and Care Delivery Reforms
Policy brief on five policy recommendations to enhance and prioritize CHW models into existing health care transformation reforms.
Tags: policy brief, PDF, sustainability, CHW integration, health equity
Elevating the Medicaid Enrollment Experience
Elevating the Medicaid Enrollment Experience is a Center on Budget and Policy Priorities project to promote policies and practices to help eligible individuals enroll and stay enrolled in Medicaid.
Tags: website, envision webinar resource, sustainability, structural and financial stability, Medicaid
envision Webinar: CHW Response as Safety Net Policies End (Slides)
Presentation slides from the April 2023 envision webinar, which takes a closer look at strategies for safety net policy response.
Tags: slides, envision webinar resource, sustainability, structural and financial stability, safety net, Medicare, Medicaid, policy
envision Webinar: CHW Response as Safety Net Policies End
Safety net programs are coming to an end, the results will impact CHW and the communities they assist. This envision webinar takes a closer look at strategies for safety net policy response.
Tags: envision webinar, sustainability, structural and financial stability, safety net, Medicare, Medicaid, policy
Understanding Local Impacts of the Public Health Emergency Ending
Experts answer pressing questions, address concerns, and share the immediate, most important impacts of the COVID-19 public health emergency ending during this 90-minute interactive webinar held in April 2023.
Tags: webinar, COVID-19, public health emergency, sustainability, vaccination
Día de la Mujer
This organization promotes healthy behaviors within the underserved Latino community by providing a culturally and linguistically proficient education, facilitating early detection screening, culturally preventative care interventions; promoting wellness, training and patient navigation.
Tags: website, Latino community, population specific, promotores
50-State Medicaid Unwinding Tracker
Tracker from Georgetown University's Center for Children and Families examining whether the following information can be found on the state Medicaid or state Marketplace website or in public documents.
Tags: website, sustainability, structural and financial stability, Medicaid
Midwest Academy Community Organizing Training
A 4-day training focusing on organizing skills, analysis, and personal strategies for organizers looking for their work to be both effective and sustainable.
Tags: training, community building, advocacy
Anticipated 2023 State Timelines for Initiating Unwinding-Related Renewals
Table from showing the state-specific timelines for initiating unwinding-related renewals, as of February 24, 2023.
Tags: pdf, sustainability, structural and financial stability, Medicaid
envision Webinar: CHW Integration into Health Systems (slides)
Presentation slides from the February 2023 envision webinar “CHW Integration into Health Systems,” featuring presentations by staff from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health and the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.
Tags: slides, envision webinar resource, program implementation, CHW integration
envision Webinar: CHW Integration into Health Systems
Envision’s February webinar webinar provides insights from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health on their work supporting a community health center to integrate CHWs into their facility. Kansas Department of Health and Environment also shares their promotional video and materials used to communicate with health system partners.
Tags: envision Webinar, program implementation, CHW integration
CHWs: The Community Bridge Builder
A brief video from the Center for Community Health Alignment (CCHA) that describes who CHWs are and what we do.
Tags: video, advocacy, storytelling, communications
Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 - Letter to State Health Officials
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services update regarding Medicaid continuous enrollment condition changes, conditions for receiving the FFCRA temporary FMAP increase, reporting requirements, and Consolidated Appropriations Act 2023 enforcement provisions.
Tags: pdf, envision webinar resource, sustainability, structural and financial stability, Medicaid
State Policies for Expanding Medicaid Coverage of CHW Services
Key findings from the Kaiser Family Foundation’s annual Medicaid budget survey (conducted in 2022), where they asked states about CHW coverage policies already in place and planned for FY 2023.
Tags: issue brief, COVID-19, Medicaid, sustainability
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023: Medicaid and CHIP Provisions Explained
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (signed into law in December 2022) includes several provisions related to Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This brief explains the Consolidated Appropriation Act’s Medicaid and CHIP provisions.
Tags: PDF, issue brief, sustainability, structural and financial stability, Medicaid
Morehouse School of Medicine High School Pipeline
Information about the High School & Young Adults Community Health Worker training program, a year-long training program that seeks to increase the number of trained HSYACHWs to engage family, peers and community in strategies for better health and wellness.
Tags: website, population specific