Long COVID Basics
CDC webpage outlining aspects of Long COVID or Post-COVID, including signs/symptoms, prevention, data, and living with the condition.
Tags: webpage, COVID-19, envision webinar resource, advocacy, storytelling
NIH Long COVID Resources
National Institutes of Health resource hub containing fact sheets, communications best practices, and links to additional resources regarding Long COVID.
Tags: website, COVID-19, COVID-19 response, Long COVID
Autocuidado envision Para CHWs
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help CHWs restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care, Spanish
envision Self-Care Booklet for Supervisors
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help supervisors restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care
Autocuidado envision Para Supervisores
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help supervisors restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care, Spanish
envision Self-Care Booklet for CHWs
A booklet of resources and activities compiled by the envision team to help CHWs restore themselves mentally, physically and emotionally. This resource also serves as a tool to continue the conversation from the December 2022 envision webinar: “Promoting CHW Self-Care.”
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care
envision Webinar: Promoting CHW Self-Care
This envision webinar provides hands-on tools for CHWs to practice self-care and self-compassion while giving programs tools to elevate the visibility of this crucial component of the work.
Tags: envision webinar, program implementation, self-care
CHW Pay Equity - NACHW
Infographic highlighting responses NACHW’s national survey from 867 CHWs from 859 unique zip codes. The graphics explore CHW employment status, compensation when working overtime, and perceptions on whether pay is equitable and provides a living wage.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, self-care
State Approaches to CHW Financing through Medicaid SPA
This National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) brief provides an overview of recent developments in Medicaid State Plan Amendments (SPAs).
Tags: brief, website, sustainability, structural and financial stability, fiscal policy, Medicaid
What Do Community Health Workers Do?
Roles and competency findings from the CHW Core Consensus (C3) Project and the community.
Tags: webpage, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, roles
Access to Insurance - CCHA
Center for Community Health Alignment (CCHA) video about how CHWs help people access the care they need.
Tags: video, advocacy, storytelling, insurance
Social Needs Screening Toolkit
Health Leads’ Social Needs Screening Toolkit combines 20+ years of experience implementing programs with well researched, clinically-validated guidelines from sector authorities like the Institute of Medicine, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, roles and responsibilities
Neighbors Helping Neighbors - CCHA
The Center for Community Health Alignment received funding to conduct a case study project showing the impacts CHWs are having in rural communities and working with clinical teams to improve health in rural committees.
Tags: video, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, rural, integration
Reimbursement Strategies for Employers of CHWs
Designed with support from Mid-America Regional Council and the Health Forward Foundation, this toolkit covers how to use existing tools or establish capacities to bill for CHW/P interventions within the current health care marketplace.
Tags: toolkit, sustainability, Medicaid, reimbursement, financial and structural sustainability
Developing Effective Partnerships between State Leaders and CHW Associations
NASHP’s CWH State Policy Network hosted a multi-state exchange of best practices, including dialogue between speakers from Rhode Island and North Carolina outlining the historical context and key considerations for sustaining effective partnerships, as well as challenges, lessons learned, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Tags: blog, sustainability, CHW associations
Hiring Practices that Support State Integration of CHWs
This ASTHO publication outlines hiring considerations such as assessing current and desired CHW engagement, recruitment strategies, establishing criteria, identifying candidates and other CHW hiring topics.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, recruitment, hiring
Health Departments Contracting with CBOs to Implement CHW Programs
This toolkit from NACHW and ASTHO offers tips for hiring, training, and building CHW career pathways through your contract.
Tags: toolkit, CHW careers, hiring, sustainability
envision Webinar: Telling Stories Successfully Guided Worksheet
Envision’s guided worksheet steps through storytelling considerations such as background, challenges, approach, results, impacts and next steps.
Tags: PDF, advocacy, storytelling, envision webinar resource
envision Webinar: Telling Stories Successfully
What makes a story worth reading? What makes a success story more successful? Our team offers perspectives, hints, and how-tos to help you craft a story worth telling and reading.
Tags: webinar, advocacy, storytelling
envision Webinar: Telling Stories Successfully (slides)
Presentation slides from the July 2022 envision Webinar: “Telling Stories Successfully,” featuring hints and how-tos to help you craft a story worth reading.
Tags: slides, advocacy, webinar, storytelling