
envision provides training support to CCR-2109 recipients and is developing a resource database of training to be provided as the need arises and to be referenced by Community Health Worker (CHW) program consultants for individual recipient needs.

envision Webinars

envision hosts monthly training webinars on relevant, CHW curated topics. Guest speakers and panels bring specific areas of expertise and perspective to further support the envision team’s knowledge base.

To register for our next webinar or review materials from any past event, click on the button.

envision Communities of Practice (CoP)

While all envision webinars are open to everyone, the work we do in our CoPs is limited to CCR-2109 recipients and partner programs (CHWs, CHW allies, CHW program staff, etc.)

Communities of Practice (CoP) are spaces to participate in discussion around a specific topic, sharing knowledge, experience, and action-oriented strategies.

CCR-2109 recipients and CHW subject matter experts facilitate dialogue and small group learning that will deepen CCR-2109 recipients’ understanding of emerging topics and support integration of learning into their work.

In collaboration with the CDC, Envision supports CoP by providing a learning container along with facilitation guides to encourage shared ownership and leadership among CCR-2109 participants.

envision Communities of Transformation (CoT)

While all envision webinars are open to everyone, the work we do in our CoTs is limited to CCR-2109 recipients and partner programs (CHWs, CHW allies, CHW program staff, etc.)

Transformation takes dedicated and intentional time, space, and energy to envision a new future. envision’s Community of Transformation will elevate and sustain the CHW workforce by accelerating CHW capacity and growing and aligning collective CHW efforts.

Through a combination of workshops, tailored technical assistance, and community of practice style learning, this offering will focus on:

  • Building skills and capacity in community organizing and coalition building.

  • Dedicated time and space for learning across and within teams in a Community of Practice.

  • Growing the network to engage and elevate the CHW workforce.

  • Mapping and aligning sustainability work.

envision Specialized Training

Similar to CoTs and CoPs, the work we do in our Specialized Trainings is limited to CCR-2109 recipients and partner programs (CHWs, CHW allies, CHW program staff, etc.)

envision's specialized trainings aim to strengthen participants' skills and ability to apply knowledge into practice. The goal of these live group trainings is to expand upon the knowledge elevated by subject matter experts during webinars and communities of practice.