Floribella Redondo
Co-founder & CEO of Arizona Community Health Workers Association (AZCHWA)
Envision CHW Council
Ms. Floribella Martinez-Redondo has spent more than 25 years in community health. Born in Mexico, she migrated to California at age seven and worked along her family during vacations and weekends, and as a full-time migrant farmworker herself from the age of 13. Today, while serving as president and CEO of AzCHOW and AZ CHW Training Center, she serves as founding board to NACHW, Senior CHW Advisor to C3, Chair-Elect of the APHA CHW Section, and working on returning to get her Master’s in Public Health, she still considers her primary role as that of an advocate and CHW.
Areas of expertise: Planning, developing and implementing programs. Community mobilization, Policy and Advocacy. Public health issues such as Health Equity, SDoH, and community research and evaluation.