Durrell Fox

CHW Consultant
JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc.

Durrell Fox Has been a CHW since 1991 and has dedicated more than 30 years to advancing the goal of health equity. In his role at JSI, his experience with research and training has elevated his ability to evaluate CHW training and implementation. He has served as one of the founding members of the CHW Section of the APHA, the American Association of CHWs, the Massachusetts Association of CHWs, and the New England CHW Coalition. He currently serves on the American Diabetes Association National Health Disparities Council, the MHP Salud Board of Directors and the National CHW Core Consensus (C3) Project team. Durrell is a founding board member of the National Association of CHWs (NACHW) and serves as a co-chair of the NACHW Policy Committee. Durrell is also a CHW with the American Public Health Association and is a former leader with NACHW.

Areas of expertise:
education,CHW policy development and advocacy, job training, board involvement, SDOH, fatherhood, men’s health, youth violence prevention


Catherine Gray Haywood


Ella Rogers