summit poster session

At the Summit, teams had the opportunity to present their work over three different sessions - which were lively, engaging, and insightful for all.
You can view a slideshow of the posters below.

Purpose: To share teams sustainability work, connect with other recipients and learn from each other.
Instructions: Teams prepared an informal poster/physical visual aid that was hung for viewing in one of the ballrooms.
Poster session timing: The summit featured three 45-minute poster sessions, with one-third of the participants presenting in each session. No other summit activities took place concurrently with the poster sessions, allowing attendees to focus on maximizing their peer-to-peer learning and networking experience.
At least one member of each team was in front of their poster to talk with other attendees and explain their poster in more detail as well as answer any questions.

Alaska Department of Labor And Workforce Development

Austin Travis County Health & Human Services Department

The Health Care Cost Containment System of Arizona

Chicago Department of Public Health

Franklin County, Ohio Board of Commissioners/Public Health

Hawai'i State Department of Health

King County, Washington CHW CARE

Kentucky Office of Community Health Workers

Louisiana Department of Health

Maine Department of Health and Human Services

Ohio Department of Health

North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services

North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services

Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa

Rhode Island Department of Health

Rhode Island Department of Health

Tuba City Regional Healthcare Corporation

United American Indian Involvement

Washington State Department of Health

Washington County Ambulance District

Wisconsin Department of Health

Yellowstone City-County Health Department