Community Health Worker Common Indicators Project (CIP)
Learn more about the CHW Common Indicators Project, which aims to contribute to the integrity, sustainability, and viability of CHW programs through the collaborative development of common process and outcome constructs and indicators.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, policy brief, roles, CHW roles and responsibilities
The CHW Common Indicators Project: Engaging CHWs in Measurement to Sustain the Profession
Article that describes how Project leaders were able to enhance the engagement of CHWs and achieve project objectives during the first year of CDC funding and in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic through a series of activities that were based in popular education methodology.
Tags: article, sustainability, COVID-19, Summit
Building and Maintaining Community Trust in COVID-19 Resources
Strategies for building relationships, acknowledging concerns and insights, acknowledging research challenges, and being transparent in communications.
Tags: PDF, COVID-19, health equity
CDC COVID-19 Response Health Equity Strategy
An outline of four priority focus areas and related actions to accelerate progress toward reducing COVID-19 disparities, improving outcomes, and achieving health equity.
Tags: PDF, COVID-19, health equity
Sustainable Financing of Community Health Worker Employment
NACHW report summarizing approaches to financing programs engaging and supporting CHWs, which have been proposed by organizations and research studies from 2001 to the present.
Tags: brief, PDF, sustainability, fiscal sustainability
Respect, Protect, and Partner with CHWs to Ensure Equity - NACHW
National Association of Community Health Workers policy guidance and resource recommendations to advance CHW leadership and integration during the pandemic and beyond.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, equity, COVID-19
CHWs: Evidence of Their Effectiveness
From ASTHO and NACHW, a summary of studies demonstrating CHW effectiveness across settings and health issues. This range of examples allows CHW champions to demonstrate existing research or highlight evidence that resonates with their audience.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, evidence
Health Work Collaborative: Examples from the Field
This toolkit includes case studies describing issues that participating teams hoped to address, why each organization chose their approach, how the collaboration functioned/what it accomplished, challenges and opportunities from the experience, and future goals.
Tags: toolkit, health equity, partnerships
C3 CHW Assessment Toolkit
The Community Health Worker Core Consensus Project (C3 project) team offers a framework for assessing skills proficiency and fostering professional development for CHWs.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, assessment
Advocacy Toolkit for Peer Support - Giving a Voice to CHWs
National Council of La Raza toolkit covering the importance of peer support, advocacy, personal stories, communicating with legislators, and using social media to strengthen CHW advocacy efforts.
Tags: toolkit, advocacy, storytelling, peer support
What Motivates CHWs? Program Design to Incentivize Performance and Retention
A chapter from the CHW Reference Guide produced under the Maternal and Child Health Integrated Program, the U.S. Agency for International Development Bureau for Global Health’s flagship maternal, neonatal and child health project.
Tags: blog, program implementation, recruitment, hiring
Roles and Competencies Chapter - 1998 National Community Health Advisor Study
Chapter three in the National Community Health Advisor Study’s final report, which examines core roles within communities and the health care system, as well as core competencies for effectiveness.
Tags: PDF, program implementation, CHW roles and responsibilities, roles
CHW Code of Ethics Toolkit
American Association of Community Health Workers (AACHW) toolkit designed to help organizations develop and adopt a code of ethics specific to their area, or adopt the national code of ethics.
Tags: toolkit, program implementation, roles and responsibilities, ethics