Community Health Worker Training COVID-19 Module

Organization: New England Public Health Training Center

Community health workers (CHWs) are essential public health professionals and need trustworthy and culturally appropriate COVID-19 information and tools.

This interactive CHW COVID-19 eTraining module covers crucial topics for CHWs including:

  • Various roles CHWs can take in combating the spread of the coronavirus

  • How to talk with community members about COIVD-19

  • Disease spread and how to prepare and protect themselves, their family and their homes

  • Common symptoms, testing options and how to safely connect clients to health care services

  • Steps to take when sick and caring for someone who is sick

  • Myths, facts and reducing COVID-19 stigma

  • Managing stress, anxiety and how to practice self-care

The CHW COVID-19 eTraining module is the most recent module in MCD's online Community Health Worker Online Training Program. Other modules in the Community Health Worker Online Training Program cover chronic disease management including high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, diabetes, asthma, breast cancer, cervical cancer and colorectal cancer.

All content is offered both in English and Spanish. Participants receive certificates of completion.

Reviewer tip: This training may be best viewed in Google Chrome

(Coronavirus - COVID-19)

Virtual/In-Person/Hybrid: Virtual

Cost: Free

Registration: Use this link



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